Posts in Health & Wellness
Health and Wellness: Connection Between Mind and Body

According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, “Trauma is a universal experience that can happen to those with and without behavioral health conditions, is subjective and generally comes unexpectedly. Many people experience traumatic events during their life. Whether it is the death of a loved one, a difficult childhood, or an emotional incident, it can be difficult to deal with the trauma associated with these events. Having some tips to navigate through your trauma can help you continue to be the best version of yourself.

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Health & Wellness: How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle as a Traveling Musician

According to a survey by The Vacationer, “nearly 63% of all Americans aged 18 or older will travel for at least one holiday this year.” The holidays are a busy travel time, and as a traveling musician it can be difficult to navigate the on-the-go lifestyle. Healthy living while traveling can feel like an impossible task, and as musicians on the go it can be hard to find that work-life balance. These tools for success can help you live a healthy lifestyle and keep you going as you make music on the road.

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Stress Relief: Healthy Ways to Combat Stress

According to a stress study done by the American Psychological Association. “Those who typically feel tense or stressed out during the workday are more than three times as likely to say they intend to seek employment elsewhere in the next year.” Since the pandemic started many musicians have been dealing with high levels of stress and fatigue. As more things are opening up and musicians are able to perform again, it’s important to have stress management tools so we can keep making the music we love.

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